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Vystavení účtenky

Podle zákona o evidenci tržeb je prodávající povinen vystavit kupujícímu účtenku. Zároveň je povinen zaevidovat přijatou tržbu u správce daně online; v případě technického výpadku pak nejpozději do 48 hodin.
01 MAN
102 Termodres CLASSIC OIL L

102 Termodres CLASSIC OIL L

Price:  2 490,00 CZK
ex. VAT: 2 057,85
Availability: expedition in 15-20 days 
Watchdog can be used only by registered users.
Packing: 1 pcs
Min. taking: 1 pcs

  Description     Photo (2)     Diiscussion      


- thermo road jersey of RACEI cut
- long sleeves
- zip across the whole front part
- backside with 3-part pocket with reflective stripe


- TERMOMINIK 180g: 100% Polyester
- inside brushed material suitable for cold weather, but will not prevent blowing


- XS to XXXL
- size is possible to adjust by customer wish

Printing technology:

- 100% sublimation print
- it´s possible to choose any color or add any design ordered by customer
- jersey with own design is needed to pay in advance
- payment conditions will be in order confirmation by e-mail

Next options:

- mentioned price is for 1 to 49pc
- for 50pc and more we´ll calculate price individually

- more information on e-mail:

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